Saturday, July 16, 2011

Special Commissions

SPECIAL!! 10$ 'Your Prompt' Commissions! Limited slots

What is a Prompt Commission?

It can be a short description, a sentence, a word or even another image.

For 10$ I will draw, to the best of my ability,
what ever comes to my mind based off
of your prompt!

Traditional, Vector, or a Hybrid?!

I'm going to open 5 slots at a time, and continue this until Weds. 7/20/11

Note me with a prompt. If I approve, I'll give you my paypal. Once I receive payment I'll draw your prompt!

I should be able to get these done by the next day.

(So if you pay tonight, you'll get it tomorrow!)

These will most likely be traditional pieces, but depending on the prompt, I may be inspired to do them as a vector image or even some sort of hybrid between digital and traditional lol.

!Also note! I'm not very good at drawing fetish stuff!!! I'm not against it, but have very limited experience with drawing some of the more extreme things. (like vore, stomping on stuff.. things liek that... lol)

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